Gwendolyn de Lindsey Gwendolyn de Lindsey
  Award Name Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Presenting Royalty
Award of Arms Aibfinn ingen Chearbhaill Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar and Luce
Aquila et Fulmen, Order of the Amalia St. Edmund Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar and Luce
Destrer, Order of the Bridei nic Gillechattan Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar and Luce
Award of Arms Bryndís Ævarsdóttir Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar and Luce
Glove, Award of the Byle McKee Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar and Luce
Territorial Baron/Baroness Dejaneecie Amidarium Vu Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar and Luce
Territorial Baron/Baroness Edward of Kent Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar and Luce
Aquila et Fulmen, Order of the Geoffrey of Warwick Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar and Luce
Black Griffin, Order of the Gevehard von Baden Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar and Luce
Court Baron/Baroness Ilya Mstislavich Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar and Luce
Black Flame, Award of the Jean Robert LeMarchand de Sel Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar and Luce
Black Flame, Award of the Katja Volkhovna Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar and Luce
Award of Arms Killien MacDoughal Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar and Luce
Award of Arms Mardöll Bjólfrdóttir Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar and Luce
Court Baron/Baroness Saraidh ingen Guairi Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar and Luce
Cygnus, Award of the Sefa Farmansdóttir Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar and Luce
Court Baron/Baroness Sorcha inghen Maille Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar and Luce
Court Baron/Baroness Theodweard l'Archier Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar and Luce
Cygnus, Award of the Thorfinn the Hunter Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar and Luce
Aquila et Fulmen, Order of the Viði Hovdestad Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar and Luce
Golden Peacock, Order of the Vladimir Radescu Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar and Luce

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