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Contributed by Hlaford Wulfric Ferreter

Hopscotch dates back to the Roman occupation of Britain. The first thing to be done is to draw a course. Several common court styles are seen below:

Hopscotch diagram

Each player then chooses a marker, usually a stone. Play begins with thefirst player tossing his stone into the first space. If the stone lands completely within the designated square, the player proceeds to hop throughthe course. A player can only have one foot in any given square, so singlesquares must be balanced and double squares (side by side) are straddled.While hopping, the player should alternate the foot he lands on for eachsquare. Any space not marked with a number, ie London, Home, etc., areconsidered rest squares and can be landed in in any fashion.

When the player reaches the top of the court, he then turns around and comesback, collecting his marker along the way. Play then continues with the player tossing his marker into the second square and so on.

If a player fails to toss his marker into the correct square or if ittouches a line the players turn ends. The same is true if the player stepson a line, misses a square, or loses his balance and falls.

The first player to complete the course for each numbered square wins.

Posted by: Kit Marik syn Kingdom Webminister (KLO) on 10/13/2007

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