How to amuse Royalty!?! How to amuse Royalty!?!

March Missive

Greetings unto the hall

Thank you to all of those who helped to make this months issue happen. We continue to struggle to gather content for these pages. We would ask you all for your thoughts and ideas as to how we can make your Northwatch better.

To those traveling south we wish safe travels and grand adventures! We will look forward to hearing the stories of your trek when you return.

Soon I will be stepping aside and handing the reigns over to her Excellency Belle. I want to thank all of you who have made my tenure here so wonderful and I know that you will continue to help my successor as well. It has been a grand adventure.

Until we meet again, thank you for the stories~


Other missives from the Kingdom Chronicler
Posted by: Dejaneecie Amidarium Vu Kingdom Chronicler on 2/12/2016

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