Wulfric Ferreter Wulfric Ferreter

December Missive

Yuletide Greetings to my Northshield Family!

I hope this missive finds you in good health and good cheer. I am very excited about sharing this month’s theme of gifts and largess. It is my hope that you all are inspired to create largess for the crown as it really does create a bit of magic for people when they receive these gifts!

I do have a few items of business to share with you. We are moving the Northwatch submission deadline up, and starting the new schedule with the January issue. Submissions will now be due 6 weeks prior to publication. Therefore, January’s content will be due November 15, February’s content will be due December 15, and so on.
For those who wish to have time to create your submissions to the Northwatch, I have great news! We have themes for the next five issues!
• January — Newcomers and SCA 101
• February— Courtly Love
• March — Foreign wars such as Gulf Wars and Pennsic
• April — Funny, silly, foolish things
• May — All Things New (in honor of the new reign of Konrad & Aibhilin)

Please consider creating an article, poem, song, or other piece of artwork for these issues. As always, please send your submissions to northwatch@northshield.org and make sure to include a content release form (which you can find on our website).

Finally, I will be attending Nordskogen’s Twelfth Night, Tacky Garb Ball, Lupercalia, and Northshield’s A&S Triathlon, for those who wish to talk to me about Chronicler’s duties or what is involved in being a Northwatch Editor. Thank you to all who make the Northwatch possible! Our newsletter is one of the best in the Known World and it is solely because of the work you all do!

Yours Ever in Service to the Dream,


Other missives from the Kingdom Chronicler
Posted by: Isabella Beatrice della Rosa Kingdom Chronicler on 11/17/2016

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