Ysolt Pais de cuer Ysolt Pais de cuer

March Missive

Greetings, Northshield!

As we travel the land we have been impressed with the talent, enthusiasm, determination, and spirit of the great people of Northshield. While enjoying your company and friendship, we have grown alarmed. Swords are being sharpened, war wagons packed, levies raised, and soldiers drill. It seems our noble kingdom has heard the drums of war. Though the journey south is long, we will travel in force and the enemy will learn to fear the Noble Griffin on the field. However, the people of the Known World are not truly our enemies and they will also learn of the generous spirit and friendship of our people. We especially look forward to seeing our friends and cousins, Prince Timothy and Princess Gabrielle of AEthelmearc; they have sent grim word of violence on their borders and perhaps we may be able to seal a pact of mutual support in their time of peril. As these troubled times descend upon us, we must hold our spirits high, knowing that the forces of the just shall prevail, and our character and honor will be greater than the travails we face.

Konrad And Aibh

Other missives from the Their Royal Highnesses
Posted by: Konrad and Aibhilin Their Royal Highnesses on 2/14/2017

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