Duke Corin du Soleil Duke Corin du Soleil

April Missive

From Their Incoming Royal Magesties

Hail, Northshield!

We journey the lands and are thrilled by the reception we have received, hard work we have witnessed, fine arts that are practiced, fierce combatants that have clashed, joyous and soulful songs that have been sung, and all the splendor that is Northshield. Though our reign has yet to begin, there are some who have rushed to our aid above and beyond what we could have expected. A special thanks to Petranella, Melrakki, Elizabeth, Jeahnette, and Cecily.

As our time grows closer, we will begin to review recommendations and consider awards to be given. If you want to recommend someone for an award, PLEASE do so early; we have been seeing award requests the week before the event the award is to be given; this is unfair to the scribes and allows little time for us if we wish to follow up on a recommendation. Scribes should have 30 days of notice; send your recommendations accordingly! Also, please make the write up as complete as possible; include the award recipients full SCA name, home group, full list of achievements and try to include as many events they are attending as possible. Most importantly, if we inform you that an award you have recommended will be given, do your absolute best to get the person in question to the event. If you’re not sure that they will attend you can ask them to carpool, help out at the event, to help you with something, tell them a friend of theirs is getting an award you know they will show up for, ask them to present something in court, tell their significant other to make sure they get there, tell their parents to get them there; I think you get the idea. We want to recognize the great works of our people but we want to do so with them present.

We also will be seeking champions. We have spoken to various communities and many have declared a desire to choose their champions by competition. Our heavy weapons champion will be decided at Coronation; archery and thrown weapons will be at ITTs CAT; rapier will be decided at the Provost Challenge; and other champions to be added to events soon. We are happy to see so many seeking excellence through competition and look forward to some fierce contests.

In service,

Konrad And Aibhilin

Other missives from the Their Royal Highnesses
Posted by: Konrad and Aibhilin Their Royal Highnesses on 3/16/2017

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