Reinholdt von Trollenhagen and Her Ladyship Spike, mascot of Jararvellir Reinholdt von Trollenhagen and Her Ladyship Spike, mascot of Jararvellir

May Missive

Greetings, Northshield,

On Trying New Things:

The mere thought of taking on an officer position can be daunting, as people tend to think of all the tasks that officer has to do in one large lump sum. Serving as a deputy to an officer is a great way to get acquainted with a role before committing a few years to it.

Serving as a deputy also provides some relief to the warranted officer, which can be extremely helpful depending on the position you are deputy to.

If you find you enjoy serving as an officer at the local level, consider serving at the Regional or Kingdom level. For more information, talk to an officer near you!

In Service.


Other missives from the Kingdom Seneschal
Posted by: Eysteinn meinfretr (called William) Kingdom Seneschal on 4/18/2017

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