THL Roisin ingen Aillel hearing her name as the boon is begged to elevate her to the Order of the Chivalry at AS XLII Gulf Wars  THL Roisin ingen Aillel hearing her name as the boon is begged to elevate her to the Order of the Chivalry at AS XLII Gulf Wars



I have heard people say they can't get an authorization card because they haven't been at an event where I have given them out. In order to get one by mail I need ALL of the following:

‑• A signed and witnessed combat waiver.
• Proof of authoriztion
• Copy of a ID
• Proof of membership

Remember - Midrealm cards expire June 15, after then you will have to reauthorize. For those getting a first time card, remember your authorization paperwork is only good for 45 days. After that it has expired and I cannot give you a card. For advanced authorizations, simply send me a copy of you authorization paperwork and I will add it to my database.


Other missives from the Clerk of the Roster
Posted by: Petranella Fitzallen of Weston Clerk of the Roster on 3/1/2005

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