Morgan Camelen Melintaur & Alexander Blackstone of Yorkshire Morgan Camelen Melintaur & Alexander Blackstone of Yorkshire

July Missive

Greetings, Northshield,

The Kingdom Seneschal has many deputies, many of which are unknown to the general populace. In each Northwatch missive, one or two will be highlighted. Today, the Social Media and Disabilities Deputies will be introduced.

The Social Media Deputy, Countess Gwenhwyvar, ensures the Society Social Media policy is being upheld at the Kingdom level. This includes creating event pages on social media sites, moderating the Kingdom pages, and providing direction to groups running their own unaffiliated pages on social media.

The Disabilities Deputy, The Honorable Lady Aneira, is responsible for assisting members with disabilities, should any opportunities arise. She also assists Event Stewards with accessibility of sites.

If you are interested in learning more, you can find their contact information on the NS website. The Kingdom Seneschals deputies are listed on the Kingdom Seneschal page.

In Service, Eysteinn

Other missives from the Kingdom Seneschal
Posted by: Eysteinn meinfretr (called William) Kingdom Seneschal on 6/12/2017

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