The Shire of Schattentor went to War The Shire of Schattentor went to War

August Missive

Unto the people of Northshield,

As our time on the thrones grows short, we look forward to these last few events of summer with you all. We have had a grand time, and are fortunate to have been able to serve such a fine, talented, generous, good-hearted and noble populace. We regret that we could not visit every group we wanted; you all deserve our time and attention. As we have traveled, we have been often asked what can be done to make events more successful, and while we have many thoughts on this, our best advice is to support each other, especially regionally, since we are all stronger together.

Konrad And Aibhilin

Other missives from the Their Royal Majesties
Posted by: Konrad and Aibhilin Their Royal Majesties on 7/13/2017

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