Recognize this armouring Laurel? (circa 1984) Recognize this armouring Laurel? (circa 1984)

May Missive


Good day to all within Kingdom. This month I want to give out some introductions and a little education.

We now have a full slate of Regional Exchequers: Bayard the Turner in the Plains (western part of the Kingdom); Riva of Darkstone in the Woodlands (eastern part) and Rycharde in the Lakes (central region). These are the first stop within the Kingdom for questions regarding the workings of being an exchequer. Please utilize them for those questions you cannot answer. To help with an understanding of what we do as an Exchequer or treasurer in the modern world, I would like to talk about the monthly responsibilities of a seneschal with relation to the exchequer. When a group is formed, a bank account is created with permission from the Society Exchequer. That account, with a name such as SCA, Inc—Northshield, has required signatories of the group seneschal, exchequer, deputy emergency exchequer, and the Kingdom exchequer (or their appointed representative). The bank statements are sent out to the group seneschal to make sure that there checks and balances with the accounts.

In conjunction with the group exchequer, the statement is reviewed to make sure that all deposits and expenses are noted. As part of the process the seneschal and the exchequer sign off on both the bank statement and a summary report that talks about what went into and out of your group’s account during the last month.

These are submitted monthly to your regional. They report on a spreadsheet that you have submitted your monthly statements along with notes regarding how you are handling your office. This is all reported up the chain to the Kingdom Exchequer and to the Society Exchequer.

At the end of the year, as part of the doomsday report, your regionals report how you are doing on a form that goes up to Society. If you a struggling in your position, as for help from your group or your regionals. They will help you with the process of getting your reports in on time.

Next month we will look at a different aspect of the position of Exchequer.


Other missives from the Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer
Posted by: Dyonisia Buleheued Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer on 4/11/2018

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