A 14th Century Family A 14th Century Family

November Missive

Greetings Northshield,

First, we are delighted to announce that the new Baronage of Nordskogen will be Baron Gabriel and Lady Caolfhionn and the new Baronage of Jararvellir will be Baroness Jois and Baron Touissant. We look forward to working with both and feel both baronies will be in excellent hands.

Second, we are working on making many law and policy changes. Some are to bring us into compliance with the Society, some are to close gaps in our laws. We want commentary on then whether you like them or not. Please give us feedback. We also welcome suggestions from the populace. Is there a law or policy you don’t understand? Is there something out of date? Are there ways we can make things better? Should an officer role be different? Please suggest changes that you want to see. This is everyone’s kingdom and we want to hear your voices.

Vladimir & Petranella

Other missives from the Their Royal Majesties
Posted by: Vladimir III and Petranella III Their Royal Majesties on 10/11/2018

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