Baroness Abbey Kegslayer being escorted by HE Wulfgar Baroness Abbey Kegslayer being escorted by HE Wulfgar

February Missive

[Editor Note: This missive was supposed to be printed last month, but was omitted due to my error. I apologize for the delay.]

Greetings to the populace of Northshield,

We thank you for your commentary on the proposed law changes and financial policy changes. Your counsel is very important to us. As you can see elsewhere in this issue, all have been enacted except one. The Marquis proposal was vetted through the Society Seneschal, BOD President and Laurel Sovereign of Arms and they had no objection because it was not creating a new rank, it was adding a title to an existing rank, a grant of arms. Our parent kingdom did this with the Sergeants and Captains of the Red Company. Antenveldt uses Thegn and Ban Thegn for those who once sat a Baronial seat. However, after corporate officers looked at the proposal again, we were asked to write it up for Society and send it to the BOD so they can consider it for the entire Society. To that end we are not going to act, and will await their decision. We have additional law changes up for comment and would appreciate everyone’s feedback on those also.

Happy Holidays
Vladimir & Petranella

Other missives from the Their Royal Majesties
Posted by: Vladimir III and Petranella III Their Royal Majesties on 1/14/2019

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