Northshield Pennon Northshield Pennon

Minutes from 4-2010 - E-List Compiled

Request from Castel Rouge to have a full page Northwatch ad for their upcoming 40th Anniversary Celebration.  Request granted.  In addition, will add a line to the Chronicler’s advertising policy: “"Exceptions to this policy are at the discretion of the Chronicler after consulting with the Crown and the Stallari Council."

Law Change:  Commentary period has passed, law change will be enacted.  Will be read into court at Coronation and published in the May Northwatch.  Will be in effect prior to Spring Crown Tournament.

The existing law  III-900-4 reads:
No Kingdom Great Officer or appointed replacement may fight or be fought for in a Crown Tournament where the reign as Sovereign or Consort would coincide with the term of office.

Delete this line altogether and add V-820 to read:
If a Kingdom Great Officer is planning on fighting or being fought for in Crown Tournament, the potential replacement/deputy must be approved by the Crown, in conjunction with the appropriate corporate superior, after consultation with the Great Officer and the Stallari, prior to the submission of a letter of intent for entrance for Crown Tournament. The action of winning Crown Tournament is considered as the immediate resignation of the Great Officer.

Request to purchase an endorsement stamp for the exchequer.  Will be paid for from the General Fun, and cost will be $37.50.  Request approved

Request to reserve the November Kingdom Weekend (2nd weekend of November) of each year as the preferred date for SUN. Request approved

Request to fund the purchase of Northshield themed stadium cups to be used for the “Float the Heirs” fundraiser at Warriors and Warlords.  Cost would be $130 plus shipping.  Request approved

Proposal regarding CDs:
    •     Proposal to renegotiate the existing 6 month Savings CD into a 59month CD at 2.85%.
Proposal approved

Posted by: Marwen de la Rivere Council Secretary (KLO) on 5/24/2010

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