Gemma Biagio DelForte Gemma Biagio DelForte

November 2010 Northwatch Missive

Hrodir King and AnneQueen, speak to all Danes, Norse, Swedes, and Saxons in this, our lands, theShield of the North,

With winter tighteningits grip, we look toward the comfort of our halls and good feasts with friendsand travelers. Now is the season of craft--make yourself busy with all thingsthat hands and heads can accomplish. Bendwill towards color and comfort, mending and making. Show all that can be madein our long winter nights. To all that can, we will show favor on those thatshare these gifts of skill and reward teachers when we see them.

Warriors, now is thetime to mend harness and hone your blades. Train our young warriors and showthem contest in the many gatherings leading up to midwinter and the celebrationof it. We challenge all warriors of rank and experience to train two newwarriors this winter so as to swell our army with new spears, swords, and axes.So when the spring comes we may take this army south to the warm, soft landsand take word fame honor.

We would like to thankthe Barony of Windhaven and the Shires of Coldedernhale and Turm an dem See forhosting us in their halls recently. We had great and mirthful times in each,learning and competing with the good people there. We would also like to thankour shire of Silfern Mere for hosting our Crown Tourney to select those thatwill follow us upon these thrones was a great and mighty contest of skill andstrength. We set great faith in our Heirs and their abilities to lead andinspire this kingdom after we have stepped down.

Our travels in the nextmonth shall take us to the Feast of St. Catherine, S.U.N., and ’Till We Mead Again.We hope to see many fine folk there.

Yours in faith andservice,

Other missives from the Their Royal Majesties
Posted by: Hrodir II and Anne I Their Royal Majesties on 11/1/2010

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