Sigeric snow jousting Sigeric snow jousting


Greetings as salutations to the Kingdom of Northshield

We are now in the high days of summer and we hope all are conditioning for the heat of Pennsic. The month of June has shown us that our Heirs, Siegfried von Kulmbach and Gwyneth Felton are indeed good and worthy Heris. They have accompanied us on campaign about and outside the Kingdom and they will be wonderful monarchs if anything should so happen to us.

Looking forward toward WW, Moorish, Pennsic and Gimli we hope to meet more of the Kingdom and more citizens of the Kingdoms and Principalities around us. When Northshield became a Kingdom, it was not an aversion to the Midrealm but a desire to create a place unique. We should keep and cherish the good traditions of the Mid while valiantly striding toward new traditions to further Honor the Kingdom. The best reward as King and Queen is the opportunity in our travels to see and hear ideas from the different regions of Northshield and from our Royal Neighbors. Give each good idea a home in Northshield for without new ideas and members, the Kingdom would stagnate.

We challenge every citizen of Northshield to meet someone new from another Kingdom and if possible, encourage a new person to join the society. As King and Queen, we request that we each take personal ownership of the Kingdom so it will grow and prosper. Foster new people and new ideas, integrate them into the fabric of the Kingdom. We are responsible as King and Queen to leave the Kingdom better then before and our Heirs are charged with continuing the growth. The best way We see to improve our Kingdom is to have Our citizens be world class. Please, travel, share your research, teach at foreign wars, learn from everyone you meet and share what you hear ~ this is an international organization and one of the best opportunities to expand your cultural knowledge by meeting new people and really hearing what they have to share and then share Northshield with the world.

We have felt pride over the last few months; pride over the successes and over the way tragedy has been handled. We strive to continue to lead in arts and martial and ever in service.

Your King and Queen
Lars and Mary

Other missives from the Their Royal Majesties
Posted by: Lars I and Mary I Their Royal Majesties on 7/1/2006

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