Richard of Cumberland & Gwynnora Loveitt of Linenthall Richard of Cumberland & Gwynnora Loveitt of Linenthall


Unto Our Northshield Kinsmen,

The summer months are coming to a close. We hope the echoes of the war drums from WW and Pennsic fade long before the rich memories we have made together.As is the way of our Great Society, the right to rule this Kingdom must pass to worthy successors each Spring and Fall. We do not take lightly this unique opportunity to serve our brothers and sisters of Northshield. We pledge to you that We shall do Our very best.

Two others who know full well the trials and travails, the blessings and burdens, of the Throne are Their Most Royal Majesties, Lars and Mary. Long have They endeavored to enrich our Kingdom through careful consideration and plain hard work. Let Us be the first to thank them for all that They have done. Long and well may Their reign be remembered.

In keeping with this, Northshield’s Fall Coronation is a scant few weeks away. We hope that as many of you as possible can travel to Svaty Sebesta to enjoy the hospitality of this fine Shire, together with all of the groups of the Plains region, and witness the grandeur of one of Our Kingdom’s premiere events.

In regards to Fall Crown Tournament, we heartily encourage you to join us in Darkstone for one of the most exciting events you will see all year. Come and bear witness to the pageantry and deeds of arms that make Northshield the grand Kingdom it is. We also encourage any who, in good conscience, would shoulder the burden of the Crown to take up the challenge to contend for this prize. It is one of the greatest experiences in serving one’s Kingdom that you could enjoy. Be mindful though, letters of intent must be in Our hands no later than the occasion of Fall Coronation. Please see Our website or the August Northwatch for thorough details on participation.

In closing, to say the We are looking forward to serving you again would be a gross understatement. There is no Kingdom that would bring Us greater joy to sit at the head of. The times We have each shared with you in previously as Northshield Royalty are some of Our most treasured memories. It is with great anticipation that look forward to making many more.

In service to Northshield, the Greatest Kingdom in the Known World,
Siegfried and Gwyneth

Other missives from the Their Royal Highnesses
Posted by: Siegfried II and Gwyneth Their Royal Highnesses on 9/1/2006

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