
Greetings Armored Combatants!

First, I would like to thank the Shire of Inner Sea for hosting an excellent Regional Practice at the end of August. There was a good turn-out, many new fighters, authorizations, and plenty of combat. A great time was had by all. I would encourage other Shires to host regional practices, especially in the out-lying areas. This is an excellent tool for the spread of knowledge!

Notes from under the hat:

  1. We may be re-opening the experiment with 2-handed Mandrake Thrusting tips. If you are interested, please email me so that we know that there is interest. kacm@northshield.org
  2. When the new society rules pass, we will be able to grab our OWN blades when we are fighting. This will allow us to re-create many new and interesting period techniques. Keep your minds and eyes open for the passage of those new rules!

I will see you all at Coronation and Crown Tournament!

Keep Hydrated and follow Kevin’s Rules!

Other missives from the Kingdom Armored Combat Marshal (KLO)
Posted by: Cyveiliog McKinley Kingdom Armored Combat Marshal (KLO) on 9/1/2006

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