Valencia de Clariana Valencia de Clariana


Unto Our kinsmen of Northshield come warm greetings from Siegfried and Gwyneth.

Now, as We sit as King and Queen, one thing above all others becomes profoundly apparent: We are so proud to reign at the head of Kingdom enriched with so many kind and gifted gentles. This is truly an experience like no other. We look forward with the greatest anticipation to enjoying your company in the months to come.

These are heady times for Our Kingdom. We are now leaving our greener days behind, and taking our place among the most prestigious Kingdoms in the Known World. This is evidenced by how strongly the Kingdom is courted by others for Our support at Pennsic and Gulf Wars. It is also seen within Our own borders in the pageantry and other displays of talent by the citizens of Northshield.

Another exciting event is taking place in a few short weeks. The Shire of Darkstone is graciously hosting Northshield’s 6th Crown Tournament. Those who carry the day will lead our proud Kingdom through the summer and on to the fields of the next Pennsic War. We are greatly pleased with the caliber of combatants who would contend for the Crown. Royal Peers, Knights, and battle hungry unbelts have taken up the challenge to vie for the privilege of rendering the ultimate service to the Kingdom. We look forward to seeing the banners of the combatants fly, and We strongly encourage everyone to enjoy Darkstone’s hospitality and witness the beginning of the next chapter in Northshield’s history.

We are deeply indebted to all who made Coronation a truly remarkable day, one which will forever live in Our memories. We had hopes that it would be special, and thanks to your participation, everything we wished for came true.We would also like to thank Their Excellencies, Lars and Mary, for guiding Northshield through the summer months, and all those who supported them during their reign.

There are so many exciting things in store for Northshield in the coming months; from dancing in Rockwall to fencing at the Rapier Academy. Jararvellir will be hosting the Knowne World Costuming Symposium, Boar’s Head promises to be a high point of the winter months, and many Northshielder’s thoughts are already turning to the coming Gulf Wars. We look forward to sharing these experiences with you.

Thank you all for your support of Us and your Kingdom,

In your service,
Siegfried and Gwyneth
Rex and Regina, Northshield.

Other missives from the Their Royal Majesties
Posted by: Siegfried II and Gwyneth Their Royal Majesties on 10/1/2006

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