Iohanna Carracci Iohanna Carracci


Greetings unto Our Kinsmen,

We are proud to welcome Our Heirs and are greatly pleased they now join the Royal Family of Northshield. The challenges for them will be great, as they will lead Our Kingdom on the field of Lillies, Ages of War and Pennsic. Do what you can to support them as they will travel far and wide and work, with all due diligence, to keep the Kingdom safe and prosperous.

Our heartfelt thanks to those of the Shire of Darkstone for a magnificent Crown Tournament. They most certainly did their Kingdom proud by their efforts.

We would also like to those who hosted Us at Day of Arbeau and Northshield Rapier Academy. We enjoyed those days immensely and will remember them fondly.

With Boar’s Head rapidly approaching we would ask that any who would like to recommend a gentle to receive honors in Our Court to do so with all haste. Boar’s Head is one of the Kingdoms marquee events and so we would like to give the hard working scribes of Northshield as much advanced notice as possible to work their beautiful craft.

This month We look forward to pies, toys, and costumers from around the Known World, as we settle in for the Holiday Season. Stock your woodpiles, fill your larders, and prepare for the joys of home life and winter.

Wear your Kingdom colors proudly, bear your banners boldly, for we are Northshield.

Siegfried and Gwyneth
Rex et Regina

Other missives from the Their Royal Majesties
Posted by: Siegfried II and Gwyneth Their Royal Majesties on 11/1/2006

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