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From the Stellar Throne come warm greetings from Siegfried and Gwyneth, King and Queen of Northshield,

We hope that Northshield’s winter months find you warm and secure in your manors and halls and in the fond company of your kinsmen.

We would like to thank Our Barony of Nordskogen and Their Excellencies Rodrigo and Khadijah for being exemplary hosts at their 12th Night. We would also like to congratulate Mistress Greta and Master Grimmund, Northshield’s newest peers and members of Our Order of the Pelican.

Our thanks also to Our Canton of Coille Stoirmeil for hosting Our Tournament of Chivalry this month. All those who would take up arms to honor their consorts, in defense of your Kingdom, or for the sheer enjoyment of it are encouraged to test their skill against the assembled Chivalry of Our Kingdom.

In little more than a month the Army of Northshield will take the field at Gulf Wars in the Kingdom of Gleann Abhann. Northshield is developing a proud tradition and a grand reputation amongst the Kingdoms of the Known World for its attendance and participation at one of the Society’s marquee events. To those that would join your King and Queen on the journey south, We look forward to all the memories we will make together.

Our time on the Thrones is a little more than half over. We have greatly enjoyed all your support and kind words and We are certain that the remembrances of these wonderful days will go unmatched. For that We thank you. We hope We have played a part in your fond memories of the fall and winter months.

We wish you safe travels on your journeys throughout Northshield, and the warm camaraderie and good fellowship of your Baronies, Shires, Cantons, and Colleges.

Siegfried and Gwyneth
Rex et Regina Northshield

Other missives from the Their Royal Majesties
Posted by: Siegfried II and Gwyneth Their Royal Majesties on 2/1/2007

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