The Three Baronesses of Castel Rouge The Three Baronesses of Castel Rouge

June Missive

Unto the Fair and Noble People of Northshield, do Ciarán and Elis, heirs to Stellar thrones, send greetings.

At the time of this writing We just completed Coronation, Our first ethereal court. Hopefully, you had a great time. So now if you are reading this, you have seen hopefully two more ethereal courts. We understand that this is not the ideal way for Us to meet. Hopefully, soon We will meet in person again. As We write this, We don’t know what the future will hold, but it is Our sincere hope that the warmer sunny days of summer have brought Us that much closer to the end of this plague.

However, We know that We can overcome and that We can prevail. Many of you have taken to not only creating and enhancing your skills but, also, We have seen you sharing your knowledge. Know this, We appreciate and admire the efforts to strengthen and enhance the Kingdom.

These are tough times. Northshield is tougher.

Riamh a thabhairt suas, Cha Gheill

Ciarán and Elis

Other missives from the Their Royal Majesties
Posted by: Ciaran and Elis II Their Royal Majesties on 5/12/2020

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