Seren Cynydd Seren Cynydd

May Missive

Cén scéal? What’s the news?

Upcoming article submission deadlines are as follows, but please submit art and articles on any topic, for the edification of the kingdom.

• April 20 - Medieval LGBTQ+ People. Our ancestors had very different concepts of gender and sexuality, but LGBTQ+ people have always existed. Looking for articles on historical figures, cultures, and legends, as well as stories about the SCA's LGBTQ+ history. Bards are encouraged to submit their work!
• May 20 - Earlier Period, Represent! Part 1 of a 2-part showdown. We are seeking features on on pre-1100 CE life. Contributions will be judged against...
• June 20 - Part 2: Later Period, Represent! Strut your stuff and try to show up the Early Period geeks. Seeking articles and images featuring 1100-1600 CE life.
• July 20 - Quarantine Projects. Highlight the things you worked on and learned during quarantine. Check out a preview in this issue!

I'm hoping to see many stories about LGBTQ+ people in history, but other topics are also welcome! I look forward to publishing those Peers who take up the challenge issued by Maestro Foro. Please send all questions or submissions to


Other missives from the Northwatch Editor (KLO)
Posted by: Grainne Dhonn Northwatch Editor (KLO) on 5/11/2021

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