Madeleine Bynortheweye Madeleine Bynortheweye

September Missive

Greetings unto the Populace,

I know from conversations with a number of folk that the COVID pandemic has left a number of our groups struggling to find the officers they need. This is also true at the Kingdom level. You’ve seen me posting help wanted ads for deputies to the Exchequer. I thought I might share the list of deputies I currently have. Almost all of them have served for more than two years, and might be looking for a replacement soon!

My Emergency Deputy, Valdis Grimmundsdottir, would be expected to step up as Kingdom Exchequer should something happen to me. She has primarily served as a second signatory on Kingdom checks, but could be asked to take on special projects. During the last six months of a Kingdom Exchequer’s term in office, they seek someone to take that office who intends to step up as Kingdom Exchequer when they step down. Society limits the term of a Kingdom Exchequer to two years, so finding their replacement is very important. I posted that notice in the last Northwatch. For a number of reasons, including her health, Valdis cannot follow me in the office, so I really need to find someone willing to step up.

My three Regional Deputies are primarily tasked with ensuring that the local groups in their region submit their reporting materials on time and entering those materials into the Kingdom SharePoint. When a local Exchequer needs help in completing a report, they are also the first person to be asked. Riva of Darkstone has held the Eastern Region for 41 months, and Asa Ormsdittir Brunison has held the Western Region for 15 months. The Central Regional Deputy position is currently open.

The Kingdom’s Minister of Regalia is one of my Deputies. Guenievre du Dragon Vert has held that position for 49 months. She is responsible for maintaining the regalia owned by the Kingdom – thrones, crowns, weapons of state, etc. – and seeing that the royalty have the items they need to hold court.

My Non-Member Registration Deputy, Gwenllian verch Rhys de Goer, sends out reminders to groups holding local events that NMR funds collected at their event must be sent in in a timely manner, collects the NMR reports and those funds, and deposits them in the Kingdom bank account. She has held that office for 22 months.

My PayPal Deputy, Marian Elizabeth Wollenschlager, has held her office for 24 months, and has asked to step down. Her job is to accept requests from individuals who want to use PayPal to preregister for events (but only when the hosting group has made arrangements to use PayPal), and have PayPal send them an invoice for the registration amount. She also arranges fund transfers from PayPal to the Kingdom bank account. We only started using PayPal for events in June, but it seems to be working well.

Anne Geoffreys of Warwick has been both my Book Review Deputy and my Warrants Deputy for 34 months. The Book Review  Deputy works with local Exchequers who need a book review to set a time and place to meet, arranges the senior Exchequers who will hold the review, and puts the review materials in the Kingdom files. Society recently allowed the use of online reviews, so Anne has been working to make those happen in Northshield.

The Warrants Deputy monitors the submission of Change of Officer forms for Exchequers, and reviews the available information to ensure that the proposed new Exchequer meets Society’s requirement that they not live with another signatory on the group’s accounts. They also watch the warrant list to ensure that Exchequers maintain their membership in the SCA. 

My Education Deputy, Gweniver Kenwyn of Roseveth, has held her position for 34 months. She has been holding online classes to help new Exchequers get up to speed on reporting and responsibilities. She has also worked to arrange classes at SUN and Officers’ Days that will help local Exchequers do their work.

I also have a number of signatories who can provide the necessary second signature on checks, including Frug Marchand, who can represent the Kingdom on accounts held in Canada. I’ve been grateful to Mary of Carrigart, who has been offering her advice as my Investments Deputy.

As you can see, most of them are approaching (or are well past) the two-year limit recommended for holding one of these offices. If you think you might be interested in helping the Kingdom by holding one of these offices, I ask that you contact the current Deputy or me for more information on what the job entails. I would be very grateful for any help you can offer.

Yours in Service, 


Other missives from the Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer
Posted by: Bayard the Turner Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer on 8/12/2021

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