The wee dancers of TMT V The wee dancers of TMT V

April Missive

Cén scéal? What’s the news?

Upcoming article submission deadlines are as follows, but please submit art and articles on any topic for the edification of the kingdom.
• March 20 - Plants. What kind of plants were important to your persona, culturally, spiritually, or nutritionally? What spices are great for your period recipes? Talk to your kingdom about things that bloom and grow as we start looking toward spring!
• April 20 - Colors. How was color significant to various cultures? What dyes, paints, or embroidery colors have you been playing with? As we head into PRIDE month, let's share some rainbows.
• May 20 - War. The summer battles approach! Share your favorite war stories, songs, tactics, and histories. Share the triumphs of bloody Arts & Sciences fights and the comradeship of a support shift.
• June 20 - Glass. What glass was available to your persona in period and how would it have been used? Do you use glass in your garb or camp setup?

I look forward to publishing any Peers who take up the challenge to educate issued by the late Maestro Foro. Please send all questions or submissions to


Other missives from the Northwatch Editor (KLO)
Posted by: Grainne Dhonn Northwatch Editor (KLO) on 3/22/2022

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