Elspeth O'Leary Elspeth O'Leary
Saltire, Order of the - Blazon: Vert estencely argent, a saltire Or surmounted by a lozenge ployé argent

Saltire, Order of the (Total Presented: 54)

Membership in this order may be offered to an individual that has shown a proven record of widespread guidance and instruction, enriching the abilities of the Northshield populace. No more than four people may be admitted to this order in any reign. Members of the order may bear the badge: [Blazon] Vert estencely argent, a saltire Or surmounted by a lozenge ploye' argent.
  Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Court Date Event Name Presenting Royalty
Abelard die Elster Kingdom of Northshield 8/11/2022 Pennsic War 49 Ajax and Gaia
Adaliunda Marikova doch Kingdom of Northshield 4/9/2016 Spring Coronation Rhys and Gwenhwyvar
Albrecht Waldfurster Kingdom of Northshield 2/8/2014 Stellar University of Northshield Hrodir III and Anne II
Aneka Gretadotter Kingdom of Northshield 6/27/2020 Ethereal Court of Mimisbrunnr Ciaran and Elis II
Aramanthra the Vicious Kingdom of Northshield 10/12/2013 Fall Crown 2013 Hrodir III and Anne II
Bruno Lachner Kingdom of Northshield 1/13/2018 Twelfth Night on the Venetian Rialto: Where East meets West Kaydian and Cassandra
Cecily of York Kingdom of Northshield 2/29/2020 Kingdom A&S Faire Jehanette
Ciana Scholari di Polcenigo Kingdom of Northshield 8/11/2022 Pennsic War 49 Ajax and Gaia
Clydwyn Gwehydd Kingdom of Northshield 11/11/2023 Stellar University of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Copn Campbell Kingdom of Northshield 6/23/2007 Mad Dogs Hrodir and Giulia
Crispin Fletcher Kingdom of Northshield 4/11/2015 Spring Coronation Tom II and Sigrid II
Danr Ketilsmiðr Kingdom of Northshield 4/10/2021 Ethereal Royal Birthday Court Ciaran and Elis II
Ealdred of Malmesbury Kingdom of Northshield 8/17/2013 St Radegund's Arts and Science Faire Morgan II and Lusche II
Edwin atte Bridge Kingdom of Northshield 1/10/2015 Nordskogen 40th Anniversary Twelfth Night Celebration Vladimir II and Petranella II
Eibhleann of Castel Rouge Kingdom of Northshield 9/5/2009 The Skye is the Limit Stephen and Ailleanne
Eithni ingen Talorgain Kingdom of Northshield 12/3/2011 Boar's Head: Mauraders of the Waterways, Vikings to Conquistadores Vladimir and Petranella
Eliane Halevy Kingdom of Northshield 3/31/2007 Bardic Madness Siegfried II and Gwyneth
Freydís in tryggva Sigurðardóttir Kingdom of Northshield 5/9/2015 Spring Crown Tom II and Sigrid II
Geoffrey of Warwick Kingdom of Northshield 2/7/2015 Lupercalia Vladimir II and Petranella II
Giovanna di Battista da Firenze Kingdom of Northshield 4/8/2006 Northshield Spring Coronation Æsa and Kitadate-tenno
Gunther KegSlayer Kingdom of Northshield 8/10/2017 Pennsic War 46 Konrad and Aibhilin
Gwenhwyvar verch Owen ap Morgan Kingdom of Northshield 5/11/2019 Northshield Spring Crown Tournament Konrad II and Aibhilin II
Hjorleif Ottarrson Kingdom of Northshield 11/19/2022 Tournament of Chivalry Guenievre and Tom III
Isabella Beatrice della Rosa Kingdom of Northshield 1/13/2018 Twelfth Night on the Venetian Rialto: Where East meets West Kaydian and Cassandra
Isabella Beatrice della Rosa Kingdom of Northshield 4/25/2015 Northshield Kingdom Arts and Sciences Open Division and Triathlon Tourney Tom II and Sigrid II
James Applegate Kingdom of Northshield 1/26/2013 It's Only a Flesh Wound Yngvar and Luce
Jehanette de Provins Kingdom of Northshield 6/4/2016 Castle Fever - At the Castle Rhys and Gwenhwyvar
Jois Corbet Kingdom of Northshield 5/5/2018 Schützenfest XII Yngvar II and Luce II
Jose São Pacian Kingdom of Northshield 8/31/2014 Known World Bardic Congress and Cooks Collegium VII Siegfried IV and Elizabeth II
Joya bint Arwa Kingdom of Northshield 7/11/2021 Ethereal Court - Wishes and Waiting: A Hopeful Hybrid Ciaran and Elis II
Julio Galva'n Kingdom of Northshield 10/8/2005 Northshield Fall Crown Tournament Æsa and Kitadate-tenno
Kate de Mallow Kingdom of Northshield 9/8/2018 Northshield Fall Coronation Vladimir III and Petranella III
Katerinka Lvovicha Kingdom of Northshield 7/14/2018 Warlords and Warriors XXV Yngvar II and Luce II
Kaydian Bladebreaker Kingdom of Northshield 1/30/2016 Tournament of Chivalry Toyaoka Katsuo and Aethelflaed
Konrad der Lowe von Ulm Kingdom of Northshield 7/15/2023 Warriors and Warlords 28 Lars III and Mary III
Kudrun Pilegrim Kingdom of Northshield 10/10/2009 Fall Crown Tourney Siegfried III and Elizabeth I
Lars Wolfsblut Kingdom of Northshield 7/14/2017 Warlords and Warriors XXIV Konrad and Aibhilin
Margaret Malise de Kyrkyntolaghe Kingdom of Northshield 6/11/2016 Border Skirmish Rhys and Gwenhwyvar
Marguerite Coquette de Lyon Kingdom of Northshield 6/25/2022 Silfren Mere 2022 Marshal Clinics - Rapier Combat and Princess Sleeve Ajax and Gaia
Martin Barnabas Burnett Kingdom of Northshield 4/29/2006 A Day of Fencing Lars I and Mary I
Moira nicConnell the Strongbow Kingdom of Northshield 1/27/2024 Wacky Garb Ball: Supernatural Yngvar III and Isabella
Niccolo Falconetto Kingdom of Northshield 6/16/2012 Stellar University of Northshield (SUN) and Heralds & Scribes Symposium Wulfgar and Devon
Nicholaa O'Kelton O the Wall Kingdom of Northshield 9/15/2007 CeCil's Siege III Hagan and Eilis
Petranella Fitzallen of Weston Kingdom of Northshield 3/12/2013 Gulf Wars XXII Yngvar and Luce
Piero di Salvestro Verrocchi Kingdom of Northshield 7/15/2023 Warriors and Warlords 28 Lars III and Mary III
Sigeric Unsiker Kingdom of Northshield 1/7/2012 Winter Knights: a 12th Night celebration Vladimir and Petranella
Tarien Dane Kingdom of Northshield 1/13/2018 Twelfth Night on the Venetian Rialto: Where East meets West Kaydian and Cassandra
Tatiana Marana Melville Kingdom of Northshield 7/14/2018 Warlords and Warriors XXV Yngvar II and Luce II
Thrym Oddomsson Kingdom of Northshield 1/29/2011 And Now For Something Completely Different Hrodir II and Anne I
Tom Tinntinnabulum Kingdom of Northshield 1/19/2008 Twelfth Night Hagan and Eilis
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