The Shire of Schattentor went to War The Shire of Schattentor went to War

Awards presented at Gulf Wars on 3/14/2024

  Award Name Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Presenting Royalty
Award of Arms Astra Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Bravura Ayla von Kiel Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Cypher, Sovereign's Beatrice Della Rosa De Peregrine Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Bravura Donnen Flint Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Ordo Circini Vitruvii [Order of Vitruvius' Caliper] Eadmund sweordhwíta Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Award of Arms Fulke dela Bere Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Vigil for Pelican Gwenllian verch Rhys de Goer Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Ordo Circini Vitruvii [Order of Vitruvius' Caliper] Hans Reutter Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Bravura Heliseus Morte d'Arbor Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Court Baron/Baroness Ingram Peregrine Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Black Flame, Award of the Kaydian Bladebreaker Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Cygnus, Award of the Leonidas Kallis Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Bravura Moira Eiriksdottir Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Defense Muiredach mac Seamus Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Bravura Percival DeFleur Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Bravura Rachel Harvey Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Augmentation of Arms Ralik Ravenwolf Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Bravura Revna Jorgenson Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Cypher, Sovereign's Sheamus mac Ingram Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Bravura Talaitha of Ravensbridge Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Bravura Theresa Theisen Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Bravura Tom Tinntinnabulum Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella
Bravura Vladimir Radescu Kingdom of Northshield Yngvar III and Isabella

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