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Schützenfest XI

Hosted by: Barony of Nordskogen

Start Date: 5/6/2016 Thru End Date: 5/8/2016 51
Camp Singing Hills
49496 193rd Ave
Waterville MN 56096

Planned Activities: Archery , Bardic Activities , Equestrian , Thrown Weapons
Schützenfest XI  Hosted by the Barony of Nordskogen in the lands of Rivenwood Tower

Join us for a weekend packed with archery and equestrian activities,
food, campfires, bardic, and the competition for the title of

Schützenkönig, king of marksmen! 

Site opens 3pm. Friday and closes 3pm Sunday. ( No early arrivals please)

Adult Member Registration $15 preregistered / $20 at the door
$5 Adult Registration 
$10 child 6-17 (5 and under free)
$50 family site fee cap

Full Meal Plan (Friday Dinner through Sunday Breakfast) $20
Saturday only meals: $10
Age 5 and under Free

Deadline for Dietary Restrictions: April 22, 2016 Please contact the Feast-o-crat at http://feast@nordskogen.northshield.org

Lodgings: (See website for photos. Space is limited; please preregister!):
Heated cabins with bunk beds: $10/person
Tent cabins/Platform tents: $5/person
Camping: free

Merchants welcome: no fee! Contact event steward by 4/22 to reserve space.

Checks payable to: SCA, Inc.—Barony of Nordskogen

Pre-registrations must be received by April 29.   Form available at
website; send questions to 

Mail preregistrations to:
Kat Gavin
2159 Belle Lane
Mounds View, MN 55112

Event Steward
Caoilfhionn inghen Cheallaigh
Kellie Hultgren
10608 Nesbitt Ave. S.
Bloomington, MN 55437

(612) 440-1159

Victuallers: Amalia St. Edmund (Koleen Knudson) and Gunnora Lovitt of
Bucknell (Jean Darnell). Direct allergy/diet and other questions to
Amalia at 

Site is discreetly damp. Smoking is allowed outdoors only; butts MUST
be deposited in trash.

Pets are NOT allowed by the site. If you are bringing a service animal, please contact the Steward. http://eventsteward@nordskogen.northshield.org

Firewood provided. Flush toilets available
throughout camp; shower house on site. Accessible cabin space,
restrooms, and shower available;

ADA Accessabliity is limited. Site paths are maintained but not

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