Elizabeth Wren Elizabeth Wren

Northshield Equestrian Practice

Hosted by: Shire of Falcon's Keep

Start Date: 10/14/2016 Thru End Date: 10/16/2016 51
Property of Richard of Deerhaven mka Richard Miller, DVM
EP 3839 Galvin Ave.
Stratford WI 54484

Planned Activities: Classes , Equestrian

Site opens at noon on Friday and closes at 3 pm on Sunday.

Fees: $5 site fee. Fee will be waived for anyone bringing equines.
Checks payable to: SCA - Shire of Falcon's Keep

Event steward and EqMIC is Countess Bridei nic Gillechattan
mka Lory Aitken, 2621 E. Johnson St, Madison, WI 53704
Telephone 608-241-2464

Reservations to Bridei are appreciated; prepayment is NOT necessary.

Authorized Northshield equestrians, potential riders, ground crew, and interested parties are invited to a weekend of SCA Equestrian Activities. We will teach and practice the SCA equestrian Games, which are ring-spearing, quintain jousting, tent-pegging/pig-sticking, spear throwing, and running a reeds course. We will teach and practice Mounted Archery, Crest Combat, and possibly Mounted Armored Combat if we have interest and appropriate armor and horse eye-protection. AuthoPRE-arrangement; contact Bridei! There may be loaner horses by private agreement between owner and rider.
We will not provide basic riding lessons.

INTERESTED SPECTATORS ARE WELCOME! At 10 AM we will demonstrate our activities and explain them to anyone interested. There will be information on how to become involved without a horse OR even intending to ride.

There will be no children's activities.

ACCESSIBILITY WILL BE LIMITED. The site is primitive with mowed pastureland for camping.
There will be a porta-john.
Water is available on site.

HORSE ACCOMMODATIONS: Site has 4 indoor stalls, 2 - 18 x 18 out-door stall areas, and a pasture with smooth wire electric fence. There is a fenced riding area for games and a separate mounted archery area. There are riding trails we can use. Extra electric fencing and fence panels are encouraged. There is a cabin which could be equipped with it's own corral and an apartment which has it's own private paddock; both of these MUST be arranged privately with Richard BEFORE arriving on-site.
Bring your own hay, bedding, etc.

ALLERGY ALERT : In addition to horses, other animals live on this site: llama, geese, mini horses, sheep, goats, and dogs. There will also be farm-y allergens like hay, straw, and lots of dust.

THERE IS NO FEAST. There will be a communal meal / potluck on Saturday evening.
There is a gas grill available.

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