Ysolt Pais de cuer Ysolt Pais de cuer

Medieval Religions Symposium

Hosted by: Barony of Jararvellir

Start Date: 10/22/2005 Thru End Date: 10/22/2005 40
Folklore Village
3210 Cty Hwy BB
Dodgeville WI 53533

Planned Activities: Classes

Medieval Religions Symposium IIHosted by the Barony of JararvellirOctober 22nd, Annos Societatus XXXX

Please join us for a day of classes, discussions, lectures, and pilgrimages dedicated to the study of medieval religions.

If you are interested in teaching a class for this event, please contact the autocrat, Josceline Levesque, at josceline@hotmail.com. The schedule will be posted as I get classes.

Site Fees

At the DoorSite: $12.00 Lunch $5.00 Feast $8.00

Pre-reg and get the whole day, site fee, lunch, and feast for $20.00or $10.00 for site fee alone

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