The Most Excellent Winter Archery Extravaganza and Clinic

Hosted by: Shire of Korsväg

Start Date: 2/22/2025 Thru End Date: 2/22/2025 59
Norseman Hall
1100 Park Ave
Portland ND 58274

Planned Activities: Archery , Classes , Thrown Weapons

Welcome everyone to the Most Excellent Winter Archery Extravaganza and Clinic located at the Norseman Hall at 1100 Parke Ave, Portland, ND 58274 Google Map.  We welcome new and experienced individuals to the Archery world.  This is a great opportunity to focus on your skills and grow into new areas.  This event is the perfect opportunity to get needed signatures for MITs and to make sure your equipment is ready for the summer.

The facility consists of a full-size archery range, a kitchen, and a “Personal Room.”  Site is handicap accessible.  There is a large selection of tables for classes, food, and for the populace to relax. The “Personal Room” can be for Royalty.  We will be offering a lunch and classes.  

In Mayville, next to Portland, there are a variety of restaurants ranging from chain fast food to local restaurants and pubs.  The local hotel is called Hometown Inn and it can be reached at (701) 786-2195 or  Portland/Mayville is approximately a 60-minute drive north of Fargo, ND or a 45-minute drive from Grand Forks, where there are even more options for food and board. 


Open to populous:8:00am

Classes and Open shooting:10:00am

Classes To be Announced.
If you wish to teach a class, contact either Asa Sporr or Scyid below.


Freewill donation. Menu to be Announced.


Court (Optional)5:00pm

Site closes:7:00pm


Adult (18 & above): $25

Adult Members; $15 dollars

Children (under 18); Free

Make checks payable to:  SCA Inc- Shire of Korsvag


Event Stewards

Asa Sporr (Elizabeth Leach) - 

Scyid Del Aquilla (Sydney Martin) - 701.590.0659 -

Ulrich Aeowulf MacNaughtine (Erik Sateren) – 701.541.0424 –

Feast Steward

Sandrine Kleinschmidt (Alex Sander) –

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