Fighters taking position Fighters taking position
Korsväg - Blazon: Azure, a drakkar reversed Or, sail set argent and charged with a laurel wreath vert, all within a bordure Or

Shire of Korsväg

Region: Plains
Based Near: Fargo  ND
Additional Info:
Primary Contact: Alex Sander
(Sandrine Kleinschmidt)
Postal Address: Address Hidden
Phone: (320) 267-4212 Prefers text messages between 8am-10pm. No text after 10pm
Upcoming Events Hosted by this Branch
Previous Events Hosted by this Branch
April, 2005
Tournament of Chivalry
Shire of Korsväg (Fargo ND)

April, 2006
Feast of Fools
Shire of Korsväg (Moorhead MN)

May, 2007
Northshield Spring Crown
Shire of Korsväg (West Fargo ND)

September, 2008
Northshield Rapier Academy
Shire of Korsväg (Fargo ND)

November, 2008
Rhythm and Bruise
Shire of Korsväg (Moorhead MN)

June, 2009
Silks, Needles & More
Shire of Korsväg (Fargo ND)

September, 2009
Fall Coronation
Shire of Korsväg (Moorhead MN)

November, 2009
Rhythm and Bruise 2; Feast of the Last Prince
Shire of Korsväg (Moorhead MN)

April, 2010
Feast of Fools
Shire of Korsväg (Fargo ND)

April, 2011
Silks & Needles
Shire of Korsväg (Fargo ND)

May, 2011
Northshield Spring Crown Tourney
Shire of Korsväg (Fargo ND)

November, 2011
Rhythm and Bruise 3: Tora Matsuri (Tiger Festival)
Shire of Korsväg (Dilworth MN)

March, 2012
Feast of Fools
Shire of Korsväg (Fargo ND)

May, 2013
Silks & Needles
Shire of Korsväg (Fargo ND)

October, 2013
Rhythm & Bruise: Strong Like Bear
Shire of Korsväg (West Fargo ND)

June, 2014
Western Regional Archery Clinic & Tournament
Shire of Korsväg (West Fargo ND)

October, 2014
Northshield Fall Crown Tournament
Shire of Korsväg (Fargo ND)

May, 2015
New Orders,A Premier Event
Shire of Korsväg (Moorhead MN)

October, 2015
The Fifth Annual Rhythm & "Boos"
Shire of Korsväg (Moorhead MN)

August, 2016
Officers Day
Shire of Korsväg ( Fargo ND)

April, 2017
Northshield Spring Coronation
Shire of Korsväg (Moorhead MN)

November, 2017
Rhythm and Bruise
Shire of Korsväg (Harwood ND)

January, 2018
Die Four the Sword
Shire of Korsväg (Fargo ND)

November, 2018
Rhythm and Bruise
Shire of Korsväg (Hawley MN)

November, 2019
Rhythm and Bruise 2019
Shire of Korsväg (Hawley MN)

January, 2020
Regional Rapier melee practice*POSTPONED DUE TO WEATHER *
Shire of Korsväg (Moorhead MN)

April, 2020
Tournament of Fools**CANCELLED **
Shire of Korsväg (Moorhead MN)

November, 2021
Free Regional Rapier Practice
Shire of Korsväg (Hawley MN)

June, 2022
Kingdom Arts & Sciences Competition & Display***NEW DATE**
Shire of Korsväg (Wahpeton ND)

November, 2022
A Simple Harvest Event
Shire of Korsväg (Hawley MN)

February, 2023
The Most Excellent Winter Archery Extravaganza and Clinic
Shire of Korsväg (Portland ND)

February, 2024
The Most Excellent Winter Archery Extravaganza and Clinic*** DATE CHANGE***
Shire of Korsväg (Portland ND)

May, 2024
Great Western Regional FARE
Shire of Korsväg (Fargo ND)

September, 2024
Northshield Fall Coronation
Shire of Korsväg (Nisswa, MN)

Officer Listing
Office Name Persona Name Modern Name Email Term
Archery Marshal Scyid Del Aquilla Sydney Martin Login to view 31 Months
Armored Combat Marshal Alaric Schweinsteger Alex Paulsen Login to view 88 Months
Chatelaine Asa Sporr Name Hidden Login to view 28 Months
Emergency Deputy Exchequer Valdis Grimmundsdottir Quin Overland Login to view 35 Months
Exchequer Scyid Del Aquilla Sydney Martin Login to view 27 Months
Minister of Arts & Sciences Thora Sigurdsdottir Name Hidden Login to view 19 Months
Rapier Combat Marshal Andréas Asklepiódotou Andrew C. Tyson Login to view 27 Months
Seneschal Sandrine Kleinschmidt Alex Sander Login to view 31 Months
Thrown Weapons Marshal Ulrich Aeowulf MacNaughtine Erik Sateren Login to view 42 Months
Webminister Tanwynn Tina Adams Login to view 139 Months
Populace Listing
Personas marked with * are deceased.
Aaron Clausen Adrian Norwood
Adrianne Catherine of Aylesbury Æsileif Gylfisdóttir Alaric Schweinsteger
Andréas Asklepiódotou Andreas of Rudivale Asa Sporr
Astra Auda ingen ui Bhaird Bayard the Turner
Beringer DeHam Berwyn AEthelbryght of Ackley Bjornwolf Hraffenson
Blund-Frida Bekkjarbot Bogdan ot Brasov Brad Bakken
Bridget Cinara de Castille Désirée de la Mer
Despina ot Brasov Deykin ap Gwion Donato Del Giardinier
Egil of Korsvag Eleanor of Korsvag Elena Kiara verch Caerllwyen
Fina ingen Aeda Finán Mannix Gawain of Korsvag
Giolla Mhichil an Einigh Gunnar Michaelson * Gurian Marciano
Gwenllian ferch Morgan Gwenlliana Morgant de Kayrlyon Hans Reutter
Helene of Korsvag Henriette Osanne Torchier Hrefna Bjarnarsdottir *
Hrodir Vigageirr Toreson Ia ingen Aeda Iliara de Korsvag
Inaba Sachiko * Isabella Isabella of Korsvag
Jessica Bohlman Jessica of Rudivale Johannes von Urach
Josiah Stoll Jurgen von Baden Justinian Licinius Theodosius
Karl Trytting Karma al-Janna Katherina Michael Von Küsteryn
Kathlin fra Aralden Katja Borsukska Kita Jiru Toramassa
Korsvag Sewing Guild Korsvag, Shire of Kynric de Coventry
Lauren Lavrits Zmei LeAnn
Lothair Macya of Korsvag Maddalena da Monreale
Magdalena z Rokycan Magnus av Nordensköld Malyva of Korsvag
Mare of Korsvag Marie-Lattice Harcourt Martin de Kent
Mea Paradisi Merwenna ingen Cynewulf Myrun Rasmussen
Natalia Petrova Moskvina Neal Pulskamp Nokki Oddvarson
Octavia Bramante Olcan Dabd Owen of Korsvag
Peter Peter of Rudivale Phillip de St. Claire
Ravenna ingen A'eda Raymond Silverwood Rena Gottclan
robert bezold Rose of Korsvag Rose of Korsvag
Saito Tsuyoshi Sam of Korsvag Sandrine Kleinschmidt
Satake Fukutarou Tsu'ne-kage Scyid Del Aquilla Serena of Korsvag
Sibriel of Rudivale Sigurd Bjornsson Siobhan Suihne
Snorri Svinhammer Tabitha of Rudivale Tadgan macLagmainn
Tadhg mac Ruadhain Tanwynn Tarrach Alfson
Tashfin Al-Bawwab Abdul-Muzil Therese of Korsvag Thomas of Korsvag
Thora Sigurdsdottir Thorvald Bjornson Thura Englandsfara
Tormund Sigurdson Travis of Korsvag Ulrich Aeowulf MacNaughtine
Una inn kottr Urho av Dreibrucken Ute Rogge av Nordensköld
Valdis Grimmundsdottir Vemundr Routhkinn Viviane de Corvaria
Zahir al Adihm
Populace Awards Listing
Territory Map
Shire of Korsväg Territory Map
Postal Codes
58001 , 58002 , 58004 , 58005 , 58006 , 58007 , 58008 , 58009 , 58011 , 58012 , 58013 , 58015 , 58016 , 58017 , 58018 , 58021 , 58027 , 58029 , 58030 , 58031 , 58032 , 58033 , 58035 , 58036 , 58038 , 58040 , 58041 , 58042 , 58043 , 58045 , 58046 , 58047 , 58048 , 58049 , 58051 , 58052 , 58053 , 58054 , 58056 , 58057 , 58058 , 58059 , 58060 , 58061 , 58062 , 58063 , 58064 , 58065 , 58067 , 58068 , 58069 , 58071 , 58072 , 58074 , 58075 , 58076 , 58077 , 58078 , 58079 , 58081 , 58102 , 58103 , 58104 , 58105 , 58106 , 58107 , 58108 , 58109 , 58121 , 58122 , 58123 , 58124 , 58125 , 58126 , 58201 , 58202 , 58203 , 58204 , 58205 , 58206 , 58207 , 58208 , 58210 , 58212 , 58213 , 58214 , 58216 , 58218 , 58219 , 58220 , 58222 , 58223 , 58224 , 58225 , 58227 , 58228 , 58229 , 58230 , 58231 , 58233 , 58235 , 58236 , 58237 , 58238 , 58239 , 58240 , 58241 , 58243 , 58244 , 58249 , 58250 , 58251 , 58254 , 58255 , 58256 , 58257 , 58258 , 58259 , 58260 , 58261 , 58262 , 58265 , 58266 , 58267 , 58269 , 58270 , 58271 , 58272 , 58273 , 58274 , 58275 , 58276 , 58277 , 58278 , 58281 , 58282 , 58311 , 58323 , 58344 , 58352 , 58355 , 58361 , 58372 , 58380 , 58429 , 58461 , 58479 , 58480 , 58481 , 58492
Abercrombie , Absaraka , Adams , Alsen , Amenia , Aneta , Ardoch , Argusville , Arthur , Arvilla , Ayr , Barney , Bathgate , Blanchard , Buffalo , Buxton , Caledonia , Calvin , Casselton , Cavalier , Cayuga , Christine , Clifford , Cogswell , Colfax , Crystal , Cummings , Dahlen , Davenport , Dazey , Drayton , Edinburg , Emerado , Enderlin , Erie , Fairdale , Fairmount , Fargo , Fingal , Finley , Fordville , Forest River , Forman , Fort Ransom , Galesburg , Gardner , Gilby , Glasston , Grafton , Grand Forks , Grand Forks AFB , Grandin , Gwinner , Hamilton , Hankinson , Hannah , Harwood , Hatton , Havana , Hensel , Hillsboro , Hoople , Hope , Horace , Hunter , Inkster , Kathryn , Kindred , Lakota , Langdon , Lankin , Larimore , Leonard , Lidgerwood , Lisbon , Litchville , Luverne , Maida , Mantador , Manvel , Mapleton , Mayville , McLeod , McVille , Mekinock , Michigan , Milnor , Milton , Minto , Mooreton , Mountain , Munich , Neche , Nekoma , Niagara , Nome , Northwood , Oriska , Osnabrock , Page , Park River , Pekin , Pembina , Petersburg , Pillsbury , Pisek , Portland , Reynolds , Rogers , Rutland , Saint Thomas , Sanborn , Sarles , Sharon , Sheldon , Spiritwood , Stirum , Thompson , Tolna , Tower City , Valley City , Wahpeton , Walcott , Wales , Walhalla , West Fargo , Wheatland , Wimbledon , Wyndmere

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