Carved stone that was presented to Northsheild by the Outlands Carved stone that was presented to Northsheild by the Outlands

Northshield Fall Crown Tournament

Hosted by: Shire of Korsväg

Start Date: 10/11/2014 Thru End Date: 10/11/2014 49
El Zagal Shrine
1429 North 3rd Street
Fargo ND 58102

Planned Activities: Armored Combat
Site Fee:
  Members: $10
       Non-Members: $15
       Children between 12 and 18 years of age: $5
       Children under 12 years: free
       The cap for families will be $35

Lunch will be provided, but monetary donations will be accepted with a suggested donation rate.

Feast will be $12 per person, with an initial total of 50 tickets available.  Feast prereg deadline : September 20, 2014.

Ia ingen A’eda/Brandi Malarkey
Lusanna Cerchi/Katherine Circle>

Merchant organizer and table organizer: 
Lusanna Cerchi/Katherine Circle

Site is handicapped accessible & will be available the evening before for decorating and preliminary set-up of indoor areas.

Crown Tournament Entrance Requirements

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