Sitting Feast Sitting Feast
Court Date: 1/5/2013 (Court #1)
Event Name: 12th Night and Baronial Investiture
Presenting Royalty: Yngvar and Luce
Court of Northshield, on the 5th day of January, AS 47, at 12th Night, in the canton of Blachmere in the Barony of Nordskogen.

Herald of Record: Katerinka Lvovicha of the Two Kingdoms, Blawhorn herald
Heralds: Kolfinna Hrafnkelsdottir, Kateryn of the Amber Mists, Jane Waye
Signet of Record: Ia ingen Aeda
Assistant signet: Svanna

Morning court
Non-precedence business:
Nordskogen baronial court was held. Faelan MacMillian heralded that court.
Their Majesties summoned Hrodir and Tom to the front of court to behave themselves. It didn't work very well.
Simonis Adrianne was recognized for her artwork in the Northwatch (a cover, and Knight vs Knight).
Is ingen Aeda took over as Kingdom Signet from Jutta van der Brueggen.

Precedence business:
Saraidh ingen Guairi and Ilya Mstislavich stepped down as the baronage of Nordskogen.
Theoweard L'Archier and Sorcha ingen Maille were called before Their Majesties for being troublemakers. For their efforts, they were created a baron and baroness of the court.
Edward of Kent and Deja Amadarium Vu were invested as Baron and Baroness of Nordskogen. Kolfinna conducted the ceremony.
Saraidh ingen Guairi and Ilya Mstislavich were created baron and baroness of the court for their long service to the Barony of Nordskogen.

Awards Presented

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