TE Khadijah and Rodrigo de Montoya TE Khadijah and Rodrigo de Montoya
Court Date: 4/13/2013 (Court #1)
Event Name: Spring Coronation
Presenting Royalty: Yngvar and Luce
Reporter: Maol Mhichil mac Giolla Pheadair
Herald: Maol Mhichil mac Giolla Pheadair

A report from the last court of Their Dread Stellar Majesties, Yngvar and Luce, King and Queen of Northshield, 13 April 47 in the Shire of Trewint.

Their Majesties were attended by HE Isobel, Lady of Castel Rouge; TE Edward and Deja, Lord and Lady of Nordskogen; TE Albrecht and Eva, Lord and Lady of Caer Anterth Mawr; and TE Grimmund and Mearha, Lord and Lady of Windhaven.

The court was heralded by Maol Mhichil mac Giolla Pheadair, Polaris Principal Herald; and Katerinka Lvovicha of the Two Kingdoms, Blawhorn Herald; with support from Suzanne de la Ferté and Nescia ingen Chearnaigh as silent heralds; and Ia ingen Aeda, Polaris Signet.

Old Business:

  • Theodward l'Archier -- Award of Arms (AS 27, Finn I and Garlanda I)

Awards Presented

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