Leif & Siegfried doing their calisthenics Leif & Siegfried doing their calisthenics
Court Date: 4/11/2015 (Court #2)
Event Name: Spring Coronation
Presenting Royalty: Tom II and Sigrid II
Evening court of Their Stellar Majesties Tom and Sigrid.

Also present were Her Excellency Baroness Kateryn of Caer Anterth Mawr, Their Excellencies David and Clare of Castel Rouge, Their Excellencies Edward and Deja of Nordskogen, and Their Excellencies Grimmund and Mearha of Windhaven.

Presentations were made to their newly elevated Stellar Majesties.

Presentation of gifts were made from the Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr, the Barony of Castel Rouge, the Barony of Nordskogen, and the Barony of Windhaven.

A presentation was made from the Moneyer's Guild of coins.

A presentation was made from Baron Cristoforo Alfonso Pallovincino di Firenze of chops for signing scrolls.

A presentation was made from Master Geoffrey of Warwick of largesse for Her Majesty Sigrid.

Awards Presented

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