Rosa de la Mere Rosa de la Mere
  Award Name Persona Name Presenting Branch Name Court Date Event Name Presenting Royalty
Hand of Tyr, Order of the Abelard die Elster Kingdom of Northshield 12/3/2011 Boar's Head: Mauraders of the Waterways, Vikings to Conquistadores Vladimir and Petranella
Award of Arms Alys La Fidele Kingdom of Northshield 12/3/2011 Boar's Head: Mauraders of the Waterways, Vikings to Conquistadores Vladimir and Petranella
Award of Arms Caitriona inghean Criomthainn Kingdom of Northshield 12/3/2011 Boar's Head: Mauraders of the Waterways, Vikings to Conquistadores Vladimir and Petranella
Cygnus, Award of the Dauyd Straquhyn Kingdom of Northshield 12/3/2011 Boar's Head: Mauraders of the Waterways, Vikings to Conquistadores Vladimir and Petranella
Cygnus, Award of the Demona Whytherford Kingdom of Northshield 12/3/2011 Boar's Head: Mauraders of the Waterways, Vikings to Conquistadores Vladimir and Petranella
Saltire, Order of the Eithni ingen Talorgain Kingdom of Northshield 12/3/2011 Boar's Head: Mauraders of the Waterways, Vikings to Conquistadores Vladimir and Petranella
Cygnus, Award of the Gabriel Michalik Kingdom of Northshield 12/3/2011 Boar's Head: Mauraders of the Waterways, Vikings to Conquistadores Vladimir and Petranella
Award of Arms Gallus der Bernhard Kingdom of Northshield 12/3/2011 Boar's Head: Mauraders of the Waterways, Vikings to Conquistadores Vladimir and Petranella
Black Bolt, Award of the Guenievre du Dragon Vert Kingdom of Northshield 12/3/2011 Boar's Head: Mauraders of the Waterways, Vikings to Conquistadores Vladimir and Petranella
Award of Arms Isabelle Montfort de Bretagne Kingdom of Northshield 12/3/2011 Boar's Head: Mauraders of the Waterways, Vikings to Conquistadores Vladimir and Petranella
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