Robin's deadly eye Robin's deadly eye


Hosted by: Shire of Rivenwood Tower

Start Date: 2/7/2015 Thru End Date: 2/7/2015 49
Garden City Community Center
114 West Pleasant Street
Garden City MN 56034

Planned Activities: Armored Combat
Activities: Join us for a relaxing day of gaming, feasting and fighting. Heavy Armored Combat:We have a new larger list field for Bunny Buzkashi,Join us for a parade of food and subtleties. Feasting will be all day. Yes all day feasting. We encourage you to try new dishes and enjoy our best and favorite feast dishes. Gaming, Auction and other fun activities.

Event Steward: Lord Emeryk Isiah Bladziak or 507­525­0930

Head Cook: THLNell the Innocent, Linda Prahl 621 Main St N Garden City MN 56034 email: 507­469­4593 no calls after 10p.

Site Fee: Adults $10, children under 12 Free, 13-17 $5, 18+ with student ID $5 discount on site fee family max: $60.00. Non-member surcharges apply.

Feast is $10 and includes breakfast, lunch, and feast plus desserts after court.

Please make checks payable to SCA ­Shire of Rivenwood Tower.

Send Reservations to: Richard Tate, 2040 Cadbury Court, North Mankato MN 56003. for event flyer and event details.
 Shire calendar:

New Location: Wellcome Memorial Complex, 114 West Pleasant Street, Garden City MN 56034. Take your best route to HWY 169 South of Mankato. Follow the SCA signs. Garden City is a small town about 12 miles south of Mankato on Highway 169.

Site opens at 9:00a.m. and closes at 10:00 pm Site is handicapped accessible. Showers on site. Site is discreetly damp.

Merchant space is available. Reserve a spot by contacting the event steward. Tables are available by request.

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