Master Fiskr Hammondson takes Viscountess Astrid of the Yellow Rose for a ride on his mighty stead Master Fiskr Hammondson takes Viscountess Astrid of the Yellow Rose for a ride on his mighty stead

Chronicler Report

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Chronicler Report Schedule
All Local and At-Large Chroniclers:
Newsletter Name:
Frequency Published:
List the dates of all issues published since last report:

Funding Method: (Submscription, Group funded)
Group Exchequer: (Modern Name)
Group Website URL:
Number of issues published in the past year:
If you haven't published any newsletters, please explain (IE what duties do you perform as Chronicler?):

Anything else that you wish to report:

Please note: When you click submit, you may receive an error message indicating that a mailbox is unavailable. If this happens, your report has been submitted and filed, but you will not receive an email notification. You can press the 'back' button in your browser and re-submit, and it almost always works the second time.

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