Report Schedules
Chatelaine Reporting Schedule
Chronicler Report Schedule
All Local and At-Large Chroniclers:
Exchequer Reporting Schedule
Herald Report Schedule
Group, At-Large, and Staff Heralds
Reports should be sent to Regional Deputies
Regional Deputies
Reports should be sent to Polaris Herald
Court Reports
Marshal Report Schedule
All Non-Boffer Marshals
- Group Marshals, Group Marshals-in-Training, and Marshals-in-Training:
- Marshals of the Field:
Youth/Boffer Combat Marshals
- Group Marshals, Group Marshals-in-Training, Marshals of the Field, and Marshals-in-Training:
Event/Tournament Reports
- Event/tournament reports should be sent to the respective Regional Deputy Marshal for the activity, and are due within 14 days of the end of the event. If there is no regional, or that office is vacant, reports should be sent to the respective Deputy Earl Marshal for the activity. Any injuries or incidents need to be reported to the DEM, who will report it to the KEM within 48 hours. (Report Form)
Minister of Arts and Sciences Report Schedule
- Event Reports: 30 days after the event/demo (Report Form)
Seneschal Reporting Schedule
Social Media Officer Reporting Schedule
Webminister Report Schedule
All Local, Staff, and At-Large Webministers:
Youth Officer Reporting Schedule
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Kingdom of Northshield. Original contributors retain the copyright of certain portions of this site.