Petranella Fitzallen of Weston and Vladimir Radescu Petranella Fitzallen of Weston and Vladimir Radescu

Bad Things Come in Threes - The Return of Baba Yaga

Hosted by: Barony of Castel Rouge

Start Date: 1/28/2006 Thru End Date: 1/28/2006 40
St. Luke's Anglican Church
130 Nassau N.
Winnipeg MB R3G 2J5

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Archery , Rapier Combat

Baba Yaga is back for the third time! Come out to help protect our village and banish her back to where she came from. We need to defeat Baba Yaga and her knights. Come one, Come all. Lets send her back and protect our land!

Activities will include heavy combat, rapier combat, and various non-combat games during the day. There will also be an archery tourney on the Friday evening before the event; see below for details.

Merchants are welcome, please contact the event stewards in advance.

There will be no offboard seating during the feast.

Site Open 10am-10:00pm

Site is Discreetly Damp

Sorry, this site is not handicap accessible

There will be an archery tourney on the evening of Friday, January 27th

It will take place at the Heights Archery Range, 2281 Portage Avenue, starting at 8:00 p.m.

FEES:- Site, Feast, and Lunch: $21 CAN ($19 US) - Site and Feast: $17 CAN - Site and Lunch: $12 CAN - Site fee only: $7 CAN - Children 12 and under: half price on Lunch & Feast fees - Non-Member Surcharge: Adults who are not SCA members must pay a non-member surcharge of $4 Canadian. - Note: $1 of your site fee will be donated to the Kingdom General Fund.

Please inform the event stewards of any allergies or dietary restrictions.

Payment must be made by a cheque drawn on a Canadian bank in Canadian dollars, or by International Money Order made out in Canadian or US dollars. Make cheques and money orders payable to "SCA Inc. -- Barony of Castel Rouge". Payment may be mailed to the event stewards.

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