Master Antonio de Casa d'Aqua called "Price" Master Antonio de Casa d'Aqua called "Price"

Lillies War

Hosted by: Kingdom of Calontir

Start Date: 6/9/2006 Thru End Date: 6/18/2006 41
Smithville Lake

Kansas City MO

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Archery , Bardic Activities , Classes

What's New!

This years Event Steward - HL Seraphima Iaroslava

Reach her at

Theme - Pelicans vs. Laurels

What is Lilies War?Unique amoung major wars, Lilies does not promote inter-kingdom conflict.

Theme for Lilies XX - Laurels vs. Pelicans

Where is Lilies WarLilies war is held in the Kingdom of Calontir, in the Barony of Forgotten Sea (Kansas City Missouri). The site is once again Kelsey Short Youth Camp at Smithville Lake located North of Kansas City, Missouri;

A semi-primitive camp site, located in an 800-acre park on Smithville Lake. Virtually unlimited camping area, potable water, abundant porta-toilets, on-site showers, nearby off-site showers, “flushies” and laundry. Ice sold on site. No electricity, water hook-ups, or cabins are available. Pets welcome if leashed or penned.

The gates open Friday afternoon, the 9th of June, at 3:00 PM, and close at 12:00 PM Sunday the 18th of June.

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