Griffin and friend (Sarah the Foole) Griffin and friend (Sarah the Foole)

Sword and Board

Hosted by: Shire of Vilku Urvas

Start Date: 6/23/2006 Thru End Date: 6/25/2006 41
White Oak Fur Post
33155 State Hwy 6
Deer River MN 56636

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Archery , Bardic Activities , Rapier Combat , Siege Weapons


Enjoy a weekend of fun and games centered around a tavern-type theme.

June 23-25, 2006

Site Opens: 12 noon Friday Site Closes: 2pm Sunday


Site: Adult (19 and older) - $8.00, Young Adult (13-18) - $5.00, 12 and under - Free, Non-member surcharge - $3.00

Tavern-Style Lunch Feast: Adult (11 and older) - $6.00, Young Adult (6-10) - $3.00, 5 and under - Free

No merchant fee


The site is primitive with outhouses, potable water and a few covered areas, but no trees. Some firewood will be provided. Contact the autocrats if hotel information is needed. Site is partially handicapped accessible. For more information about site accessibility contact Lady Anna Donnelly


Coordinated by the Village of Wynandremer, several board games will be available at the Tavern on Saturday. Opportunities to learn the games will be available on Friday and throughout the day on Saturday. There will also be gaming competitions for those who are interested. More details on the games and competition rules will be coming soon. Prizes will be award on Saturday evening for the top 3 players.


Most of the scenarios for heavy weapons, rapier and archery will be themed around the Tavern-type atmosphere of the event.

There will be various heavy weapons scenarios marshalled by His Grace Duke Tarrach Alfson, as well as rapier, archery shoots and boffer activities. Marshalls are still needed for these. We have plenty of room for siege weapons, too!


Coordinated by the Freehold of Raven's Moor, various bardic activites are planned. These include:

  • Best Period Drinking/Tavern Song historical/period song (documentation not required)

  • Best Original Drinking/Tavern Song create an original drinking/tavern song in a historical/period style

  • Best 'No S#it There I Was Story'we've all sat around the fire and listened to people share stories about actual events they've been a part of at SCA activites. Judging will be based on content as well as delivery.

Children will be encouraged to share their own stories at the beginning of the evening.


Our tavern, "The Sword and Board" needs a sign! We're challenging the populus to create a sign for our tavern.

We intend to judge the contest on concept and idea... not on artisitic carry through. So basically - entries sketched in crayon or printed with clip art will receive the same consideration as well executed artwork.

We know that since most people in the Middle Ages were illiterate, signs that merchants used were symbols and pictures to represent what the business was. So, create a sign for The Sword and Board to be displayed in the tavern for a populous bean count. The top three will be displayed in the tavern for the entire event. As for the 'prize' for entering the contest - it will basically be the esteem of the tavern patrons and some token of thanks and gratitude from the shire.


Instead of the regular evening feast, we will be having a lunch feast. Well, not actually a feast! The midday meal will be in a tavern style. The 'guests' at the tavern will be seated at 15 minute intervals to create a tavern-style rotating atmosphere. Seating times will be determined based on the times written on their feast tokens. In this atmosphere, feasters will be at various stages of the meal throughout the alloted time.

The tavern fare may include such items as: rosemary herb bread served with cheese, Aveline's Chicken Soup, sliced ham, ginger glazed carrots, dessert, cider, coffee, lemon water and water.

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