Troops at Gulf Wars Troops at Gulf Wars

All Yr Saints; A window through time.

Hosted by: Barony of Castel Rouge

Start Date: 9/1/2017 Thru End Date: 9/4/2017 52
Ukrainian Park Camp
117061 route 222
Camp Morton MB R0c0m0

Planned Activities: Archery , Arts & Sciences Competition , Bardic Activities , Classes , Dancing , Rapier Combat , Youth Activities , Cut and Thrust Combat

Site opens: Friday 4pm and closes Monday 11:30am

Costs:weekend: Adult Registration: 85 (included feast, meals, overnight fee, site fee); Children 5-12: 50 (included: feast, meals, overnight fee, site fee); Children 0-4: 35 (included: feast, meals, overnight fee, site fee.) (infants are free)

- Overnight Fri, Sat, Sun: Adult Registration: 25 per night (included: overnight fee, food) + 10 one time site fee; Children 5-12: 15 per night (included: overnight fee, food) + 5 one time site fee; Children 0-4: 5 per night (included overnight fee, food) 

- Day trip: Adults Registration: 10 site fee; Children 5-12: 5 site fee; children 0-4: free! 

- Feast: Adults: 20; Children 5-12: 10 ; Children 0-4: free (depends if they will eat really) 

*Members receive a 5 dollar discount on site fee and weekend prices 

*All prices are Canadian dollars

Checks payable to: SCA Inc-Barony of Castel Rouge

Registration- $20 deposit for registration is required and can be made at any time.  Send money along with copy of member card to :The Barney of Castel Rouge c/o 14 Edelweiss Crescent Winnipeg MB R2G 1Z2

Event Steward: Margo Plunkett(Margaret of Castel Rouge) 204-430-8216

Accessibility: Unfortunately the site is  not wheelchair accessible

Cabins have electricity and are available on a first come first serve basis.  Flushies and full shower facilities available.

How to pair  pottery, a masked ball and a shoot out? Saints! and Time! Gimli will happen Fri Sept 1 -Mon Sept 4 at the Gimli site (Ukrainian Park and camp grounds). The theme is Saints/ time and space...meaning whatever time period you choose...picks your favorite one go with it.   

Something to look forward to: 

 - Blue and White garb contest  

- House Tourney (with house cup! to be awarded at the ball) 

- Heretic's Ball! 

- Raffle

**We are trying to simplify the cost of the event: if you would like to go without meals please contact the autocrat and we will figure out the cost on an individual level** 

***The site fee of 10$ is new and has been put in place by the Barony to help offset the cost of the various activities supplies (Archery, Kids activities, Heavy, and light combat, A and S) ***

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