May Pole dancing in Jararvellir May Pole dancing in Jararvellir

Stellar University of Northshield

Hosted by: Shire of Coldedernhale

Start Date: 11/11/2017 Thru End Date: 11/11/2017 52
First United Methodist Church
117 N Central Ave
Pierre SD 57501

Planned Activities: Arts & Sciences Display , Classes
Come one, come all to the Stellar University of Northshield!  There will be a full day of all sorts of classes, as well as an A&S display. 


7:30 am:  site opens for Royalty and staff

8:00 am:  site opens for all

9:00 am - noon:  activities determined by SUN chancellor

noon-1:00 pm:  lunch

1:00 pm-5:00 pm:  activities determined by SUN chancellor

about 5:00 pm:  Court

7:00 pm:  site closes


Adult Registration$15

Adult member registration:  $10

Under 18:  Free

Family cap:  $20


Adults:  $5

Under 18:  Free

Checks payable to:  SCA Inc-Shire of Coldedernhale.

Merchants welcome and encouraged - no fee.  Please contact autocrat to reserve space.

There is a block of rooms reserved at The Days Inn.

You can call (605) 223-1336 to reserve a room.  

The address of the hotel is: 520 W Sioux Ave, Pierre, SD 

The rate for a double room is $79.99 or a single room for $64.99.

The Days Inn is quite close to the site and a variety of restaurants.

Post-revel will be held in the Lobby of The Days Inn.


Lavinia di Mariano  (Andrea Pulscher)

(605) 881-1769


Berenice Calvina (Laura Waack)

(605) 224-2398(605) 222-9184

Site is completely handicapped accessible.  Service dogs welcome.


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