This picture is about 30 years old. He is still active in Northshield. Do you know who this is today? This picture is about 30 years old. He is still active in Northshield. Do you know who this is today?

Crown Tourney

Hosted by: Shire of Midewinde

Start Date: 10/11/2008 Thru End Date: 10/11/2008 43
Minot Municipal Auditorium
420 3rd Avenue SW
Minot ND 58701

Planned Activities: Armored Combat

The Shire of Midewinde cordially invites you to attend

The Kingdom of Northshield’s

Fall Crown Tournament

October 11, 2008


Minot Municipal Auditorium - 420 3rd Ave NW - Minot, ND 58703


Site is handicap accessible. No pets, smoking or alcohol!


Site opens 8:30 am for combatants, consorts and merchants, 9:30 am for populace. Site closes at 10:00 pm.


Adult Site (ages 14 and up): $10.00   Youth Site (ages 5 to 13): $5.00

Child Site (ages 4 and under): Free

An additional Non-Member Surcharge of $3.00 will apply.


Adult Feast (ages 14 and up): $10.00                Child/Youth Feast (ages 13 and under): Free

Merchant Fee: $5.00 (includes 1 table)


Pre-registration deadline: September 13, 2008

All checks or money orders payable (in U.S. funds) to: SCA, Inc. – Shire of Midewinde


A block of rooms has been reserved at:

 Holiday Inn Riverside, 2200 Burdick Expressway E, Minot, ND 58701, 1-800-468-9968

Mention the SCA for the reserved block of rooms.



Lady Giulianna di Amonte (Sarah Putt)                      701-837-9120     

                                                                   No calls after 9:00 pm CST


Lady Merideth NiShionniach (Merideth Guilford)  701-720-1054       

                                                                   No calls after 9:00 pm CST


Lady Astrid of Midewinde (Kari Andersen)            701-858-9257

                                                                  No calls after 9:00 pm CST



Please see our website for registration forms, feast information, and much more!


Directions: Make your best way to Minot.

·         From US 83 (north or south): continue into Minot on highway which will turn into Broadway. Turn West onto Burdick Expressway, proceed 2 blocks and turn North (right) onto 4th St NW.

·         From US 2/52 (west and east): continue into Minot on highway which will turn into Burdick Expressway. Turn North onto 4th St NW.




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