Lay On! Lay On!

Life begins after 50 and Baronial Investiture

Hosted by: Barony of Castel Rouge

Start Date: 9/3/2021 Thru End Date: 9/5/2021 56
Virtual - the comfort of your living room

Winnipeg MB

Planned Activities: Arts & Sciences Display , Bardic Activities , Classes , Dancing
Join us for a weekend at Hampton Court.
While the plague may prevent us from gathering together in person this year, please join us for a virtual Gimli event. 
We will begin the weekend with Baronial war court on Friday.
Saturday will bring classes and Baronial court as well as the Baronial Investiture. Virtual Feast is planned with a menu for cook at home options Saturday evening.
Festivities continue on Sunday with an A&S Display and later Dancing.

Over the weekend there is a wager between the outgoing and incoming Baroness of Castel Rouge, help decide which garb the other will have to wear to 12th night by weighing in with your participation at the event for one side or the other.

Social space will be available all weekend and Bard are welcome and encouraged to take over later in the evening.

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