Syr Gunther Kegslayer Syr Gunther Kegslayer

Villa Frumentaria

Hosted by: Kingdom of Calontir

Start Date: 8/18/2023 Thru End Date: 8/20/2023 58
Palo Alto County Fair Grounds
2101 Madison St
Emmetsburg IA 50536

Planned Activities: Archery , Armored Combat , Arts & Sciences Competition , Arts & Sciences Display , Classes

The theme of our event is “My First ____.” It’s our first event, and we want to share that enthusiasm with you!

Beginner Arts and Science Competition:
We are having an Arts and Science Competition for all of you to enter if you choose, but the catch is it has to be for something you’ve never been recognized for or entered an Arts and Science competition for. This competition will be judged by the populace.

Games and Activities:
We’ll have a few games open for participants of all ages!

Martial Activities:
We will have Heavy combat and Archery available. We will add specific activities as we go!

Youth Classes and Activities:
We are hosting classes and activities specifically geared for our younger SCA participants.

We are hosting a number of classes, all of which are being taught by experts in that field and they are being taught at the beginner level. If you created something in those classes and you want that project judged, there is a…

I Made it Today! Arts and Science Competition:
Did you make something in your classes? Bring it in to be judged by the populace!

We have Merchants! Check them out below!

Adult Admission – $20
Adults with Membership Discount – $15
Youth Admission (Ages 6 to 17) – $5
Kids 5 and Younger: Free!
Family Spending Cap: $50

Feast – $10, limit 60 people

Merchants: No additional fee other than Gate
Camping: No additional fee

Cash or checks only, no credit cards

Gate Times
Friday: 5pm to 10pm
Saturday: 9am to 1pm
Sunday: Gate is closed, everybody out by noon.

Site Information
Wet Site – We may have alcohol, but we cannot sell it on-site.
Camping is allowed and encouraged.
Above ground fires are allowed, provided the weather conditions allow for them
The site opens for camp setup at 5pm on Friday
We ask that you are out by 10am on Sunday unless you want to help clean up
Showers are available
Modern restrooms are available

No Fish or Fish products, please, one of our guests is severely allergic to them. We greatly appreciate your courtesy!

…speaking of food….

The Inn is closed Friday Night, and we encourage you to cook your own food if you’re camping with us or visiting some of the many awesome restaurants downtown Emmetsburg! There is no additional charge for the Inn, but we do appreciate any freewill donation you would like to make

7:00 am: Coffee
7:30 am – 10 am: Breakfast
Noon – 2pm: Lunch
6pm: Feast! Saturday Night, in honor of Her Majesty, Queen Marie le Faivre and other distinguished guests, we will be hosting a Feast! The cost for the feast is $10, payable at the Gate, and there is a limit of 60 people for this event.

7:00 am: Coffee and Breakfast – Leftovers from Breakfast and Lunch from Saturday.

Area Information:
Emmetsburg is host to a number of hotels, restaurants, grocery stores, and a charming downtown. There is also a lake just a half of a mile or so north of the site with a nice beach if you need to cool down!

Raven’s Wing Clothing – Clothes, Plushies, Accessories, and more! Check out Lady Eadaoin inghean Chionoidha’s website and talk with her about custom wares before our event!

(We have space for four total Merchants and possibly more. Let us know if you’d like to vend at our event!)

The Broken Harp will be in attendance. They will not be selling their normal fares, but for a freewill donation, they can help you find what you need.

Activities and Schedule
We have so much room for Activities! We will continue to finalize the schedule and add events up through July 15th.

5pm – Gate Opens – Camp sites open!
7pm – Archery with Master William Fletcher of Carberry
10pm – Gate Closes for the evening.

7am – Inn Opens (See the Inn Section for Details and Menus)
9am – Gate Opens
10 am – Class Session 1 Begins
11 am – Class Session 2 Begins
1 pm – Gate Closes, Class Session 3 Begins
2pm – Class Session 4 Begins
3pm – Entries for the Arts and Science Competition are Judged by the Populace
4pm – Court
6pm – Feast
7pm – Post Revel Begins

Noon – Site Closes and anyone still present will be pressed into cleaning labor!

Class Schedule
Classes are held over the course of Four Sessions and they are designed to be introductory classes on their specific topics. There is an A&S competition that will be held in the afternoon on Saturday which will focus on items that you create in these classes (if applicable).

Class Session 1: 10am to 11am

Sit and Spin with Simone de Mares – Learn to spin Wool into thread!

Class Session 2: 11am to Noon

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