Three knights of the Kingdom, Duncan, Siegfried, and Raito, begging the boon for Roisin's elevation to the chivalry Three knights of the Kingdom, Duncan, Siegfried, and Raito, begging the boon for Roisin's elevation to the chivalry

Castel Rouge 12th Night

Hosted by: Barony of Castel Rouge

Start Date: 2/3/2024 Thru End Date: 2/3/2024 58
Valour Community Center (Oriels)
448 Burnell Street
Winnipeg MB R3G2B4

Planned Activities: Armored Combat , Classes , Dancing , Rapier Combat
 It is the 13th century, and a terrible murder has occurred in our lands! Please attend our Twelfth Night event, and help us figure out who the culprit is. It will occur February 3rd, 2024, at the Burnell community centre.

Site opens at 10 am and closes at 10pm.
Site is Handicap accessible.

Site fee is $25 for adults,
$20 for adults with member discount.
$10 youth 5-10
Free will donation lunch will be available.

Simple Dinner
$10 adult
$5 youth

Checks Payable to: SCA Inc-Barony of Castel Rouge.
Please note all amounts are in Canadian Dollars

There will be heavy fighting, rapier, dancing, A&S classes (TBD), a secret santa gift exchange, and, of course, a mystery to be solved

Event stewards: Amaryllis of Castel Rouge, and Tiril Ringdahl

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