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Calontir's 50th Coronation

Hosted by: Kingdom of Calontir

Start Date: 9/12/2008 Thru End Date: 9/14/2008 43
Camp Hitaga
5551 Hitaga Rd
Walker IA 52352

Join the Shire of Deodar in celebrating the ascension of Luther II & Maerwynn as 50th King & Queen of Calontir

Friday, September 12 to Sunday, September 14
Site opens 5 PM on Friday. Site closes 12 Noon on Sunday.

Site Fees:
Adults: $8 + $3 NMS
Youth (12-17): $6
Youth (5-11): $5
Youth (Under 5): Free
Family Cap: $50

Adults: $8
Youth: $5
Below the Salt: ???

There are only 100 seats available for feast, not including the Below the Salt seats.

Cabins: $35, each cabin sleeps 8 people

There are a limited number of cabins available.
Tent camping is FREE! On-site showers available in Wahelo Lodge.

Feast & cabin reservations may be sent to HL Padraic Mac Dubhghaille, checks made payable to "SCA Inc – Shire of Deodar":

Pat McDowell
23325 Washington St
Anamosa, IA 52205

Event Stewards:

HL Mairi Rose (Theresa Baldwin)
Phone: (319) 361-0790

Ld Jibra'il `Attar (Jeremy Slick)
Phone: (319) 360-1731



Feast Stewards:

Ms Alina Meraud Bryte (Pat Hoge)
HL Anne of Walnut Grove (Pam McDowell)


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